About Us

Now in its eleventh year, The Living Room Coffeehouse at the Mason Congregational Church in Mason, New Hampshire is a monthly community event that features an ever-changing mix of area musicians, poets, and spoken word artists. It is our goal to create a wholesome place where people can enjoy listening to music and poetry, and where performers will have an opportunity to share their talents with an attentive audience.

The coffeehouse takes place every third Saturday of the month, September through June.  The Living room coffee house features a number of open mike performers as well as a featured artist each month. Interested musicians can sign up for a slot beginning at 6:30 pm. and music starts at 7:00 pm. Musicians perform 3 songs unless there is a large signup. In that case each performer will get 2 songs each.

There is a suggested donation of $5 and free, yummy refreshments and drinks (fair-trade coffee, tea, juices, water) are served.

Where do the donations go? 
We donate $30 to the church for the use of the hall.
$20 dollars we use to buy coffee and food.
The Remainder we donate to St Vincent de Paul food pantry of Greenville NH.

Pass the hat: Pass the hat is an old tradition of coffee houses. It is a way to say thank you to the feature performer. During the feature performer’s set we pass a basket to collect tips for the feature. It is strictly voluntary. Please do not feel obliged.

We hope to see you there!

To get on the email list, email Gloria Foster at EL4music@gmail.com